Call for Papers 6th MaM meeting (Dijon, July 2014)

Call for Papers 6th MaM meeting (Dijon, July 2014)

Organization: IMS study group “Music and Media” (MaM) and Université de Bourgogne, Université de Rennes 2

Location: Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France

Dates: 1 & 2 July, 2014

Call for papers:

After previous conferences in Amsterdam, Berlin, Lisbon, Turin and Ottawa, the IMS study group “Music and Media” (MaM) will organize a two day conference in Dijon, France. Academics, practitioners and postgraduate students are invited to submit papers and/or panel proposals on the following areas of interest, including (but not limited to):

-Rewriting music for film;

-Early French cinema (productions in Épinay-sur-Seine a.o.);

-Film noir;

-Jazz as soundtrack;

-Methodologies for the study of film soundtracks.

Proposals in both English and French are welcomed.

Each submission should include the following information:

author(s) name(s), academic affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), title of presentation, abstract (300 words max.), a short CV,

and a list of technological requirements (overhead, powerpoint, etc).

All proposals must be submitted by 1 April, 2014 to e.wennekes [AT]

Program committee: James Deaville (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada), Laurence Le Diagon-Jacquin (Université de Rennes 2, Université de Bourgogne), Michael Saffle (Virginia Tech, Blacksburg), Emile Wennekes (Utrecht University).