8th meeting IMS MaM Studygroup

IMS Conference 2016, Stavanger, Norway.

University of Stavanger, Department of Music and Dance, Bjergsted.

July 2: 15:00-17:00 h., lecture hall 1301

8th Meeting of the IMS Music and Media Study Group (MaM)

 Music, Media and Play: some future lines of research

Michael Saffle on play within opera: The OPERAcraft Project

James Deaville on play within video game trailers: Trailerology

Floris Schuiling, ‘Notation as Interface: From Representation to Mediation’ (Instant Composers Pool)

Daniël Steneker, ‘Cover Story: Presenting the Classics to New Audiences through the Record Cover’

Emile Wennekes, ‘Dubbing: Linguistic Game Play