Call for Papers 10th MaM meeting (Salamanca, June 2018)

IMS Study Group “Music and Media” (MaM) and University of Salamanca

Location: University of Salamanca, Spain

Dates: 13-16 June 2018

Call for papers:
The 10th annual conference of the IMS study group “Music and Media” (MaM) will be held in Salamanca, Spain, concurring with the 11th edition of the international symposium La Creación Musical en la Banda Sonora. Both gatherings are part of the University of Salamanca’s 800-year celebration.

Academics, practitioners, and postgraduate students are invited to submit papers and/or panel proposals on the following areas of interest, including (but not limited to):

2009-2018: a decade of studying the interaction between music and media – retrospectives & perspectives;
music and documentary film;
streaming media soundtracks;
new methodologies for studying soundtracks in all audiovisual media.

Proposals for 20 minute long papers in English are welcomed. Each submission should include the following information: author(s) name(s), academic affiliation(s), e-mail address(es), title of presentation, abstract (300 words max.), (a) short CV(s) and a list of technological requirements (overhead, powerpoint, etc).

All proposals must be submitted by 20 March, 2018 to e.wennekes [AT]

Program committee:
Emilio Audissino (University of Southampton), James Deaville (Carleton University), Matilde Olarte Martínez (University of Salamanca), Michael Saffle (Virginia Tech), Emile Wennekes (Utrecht University).