Call for Papers MaM 2024

Conference Title:
“Music, Media, and Narrative in the Streaming Age”

Joint annual conference of the Kieler Gesellschaft für Filmmusikforschung and the IMS Study Group “Music and Media”

University of Music and Theatre Munich
(Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, abridged HMTM)

Location: Carl-Orff-Auditorium, Luisenstraße 37a, 80333 Munich

6th to 8th June 2024 (Thursday to Saturday)

Co-organizers (representatives):

Julin Lee & Emile Wennekes in cooperation with the Kieler Gesellschaft für Filmmusikforschung, the IMS Study Group “Music and Media”, and Utrecht University.


Conference languages:
English and German

Kieler Beiträge zur Filmmusikforschung (kbzf)
Peer-reviewed, open access:  

Streaming has had a profound effect on how audiovisual narrative media have been produced, distributed, and consumed. Bringing together scholars and practitioners from diverse fields, this conference aims to spotlight aspects of music and sound in the audiovisual narrative landscape – what continuities and disruptions have been engendered by the rise of streaming?

Taking a broad approach to the concept of narrativity, we invite proposals for papers and themed panels tackling issues pertaining to soundtracks of audiovisual media including, but not limited to:

We seek proposals for 20-minute papers, roundtables, and other formats from interdisciplinary perspectives on the theme of our conference. As per Kieler Gesellschaft tradition, proposals for free papers outside the conference theme are also welcome.

Graduate students and early career scholars are strongly encouraged to apply. Please submit your abstract (max. 250 words) and a short biography (max. 100 words) by 1 December 2023 to ( Please also indicate if you plan on attending the conference in person or virtually. For in-person participants, there will be a fee of 30€ (15€ for students) to cover the costs of coffee breaks. As proposals will anonymized for review by the selection committee, explicit self-references should be avoided in the abstract. A themed publication in the peer-reviewed, open access journal Kieler Beiträge zur Filmmusikforschung (kbzf) is planned.